Caja Vigostrene (EDDHA 6%)

Correction of iron deficiency where added to different irrigation systems because the claw segment is stable and dissolved over a wide range of pH (3 - 12), which makes it absorbed by the plant does not prove in the soil is considered iron from the materials consumed by the plant as a result of iron ability to enter in Oxidation and reduction reactions within the plant, iron is considered to have significant physiological effects. Iron plays an essential and necessary role in the system of many enzymes, especially the enzymes involved in the formation of many vital processes such as breathing, including Catalase, Peroxidase and Cytochrome oxidase. The involvement of iron in the composition of these compounds is particularly important in oxidation processes and is one of the important roles in the processes of methabolism in the cell.

Although iron is not directly involved in the synthesis of chlorophyll, it is important to synthesize and maintain this green substance within the plant. Therefore, its lack leads to the appearance of greenish greenery and yellowing appears on the plant. Plays an essential role in the representation of nucleic acids, and chloroplasts. The most common symptoms are the appearance of yellowing on the leaves of modern growth. The yellowing begins with the appearance of a pale green color followed by the appearance of the yellow color and the overlapping areas on the lafe, with the green veins remaining green. In many cases, with the low intensity, the yellow turns white with the reflection of the sun on leaf.