
Growth Regulator containing GABRICLIC ACID GA, its characteristics are as follows:

  • Gibberelli acid has an effect on plant growth because of its role in elongation of cells, plant growth, root mass and production of large leaves.
  • Gibberellic acid used to break dormancy seeds is most effective on plants that have requirements in the dormant role of germination.
  • Gibberellic acid can work on producing longer flowers on ornamental plants. In addition to its role in increasing size.
  • Increases photosynthesis and plant metabolism.
  • Can be used to increase leg length in number of crops.
  • Improve the creation and growth of small plants produced by tissue culture.
  • Used to help plants that lack material


  • Gibril Acid: 40% and / or
  • Sodium citrate: 60% and / or

Usage rate:

Crop Stage
Citrus 2-3 bag / 200 l water
Vegetables 2-3 bag / 200 l water
Nursery 2-3 bag / 200 l water
Grape Bag/1000 L Spray on ­owers 3 bag /200 L water dipping fruit grape Repeat 3 times