
Components: Molasses of sugarcane 99 %
An organic substance extracted from sugarcane, it works to form an insulating layer on the surface of the plant that protects the plant from stressful conditions such as frost and extreme heat. It reduces the surface tension of the spray solution so that the solution can reach all parts of the plant and gives complete coverage faster.
Technical characteristics:
Macon -100 : A soil improver fertilizer that maintains soil moisture, extracted from sugar cane. It helps improve the chemical properties of the soil, as it works to make stabilized elements available in the soil, which improves plant growth and increases productivity, in addition to its role in improving the physical properties, as it increases aeration in heavy (clay) soils. It increases the cohesion of light (sandy) soils.
Macon -100 : It maintains plant moisture in various weather conditions and maintains soil moisture.
Macon -100 : It reduces water evaporation from leaf surfaces and protects the plant from stress such as frost, heat stress, and heavy rainfall.
Macon -100 : It works as an insulating material that protects plants from frost. It works as a disinfectant and soil improver, which facilitates the movement of plant roots, in addition to its role in reducing water hardness.
Macon -100 : It works to form an insulating layer that covers all parts of the plant (leaves, stem, fruits, buds) from high air humidity and works to protect the plant from fungal diseases (late and early blights, molds, and downy mildew).
Macon -100: Non-toxic, environmentally friendly organic materials and is used in all stages of germination
Macon -100 : Protects agricultural equipment from corrosion (such as irrigation networks and pumps).
Usage times:
- In the early morning hours or in the evening after sunset to obtain the best results.
-Winter: At all times before freezing, because of its effective role in reducing the effects of frost.
Usage rate:
Foliar spray: 80 - 120 ml / 200 liters of water
Ground use: 250-1000 ml/acre
- Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight at a temperature of 0-45°C
-Avoid smoking in fertilizer stores
-Keep away from flammable materials.
المكونات : Molasses of sugarcane 99 %
مادة عضوية مستخلصة من قصب السكر يعمل على تكوين طقبة عازلة على سطح النبات تحمي النبات من ظروف الاجهاد كالصقيع ، والحرارة الشديدة ويقلل من التوتر السطحي لمحلول الرش حيث يمكن المحلول ان يصل الى اجزاء النبات كافة ويعطي تغطية كاملة بشكل اسرع .
الخصائص الفنية :
Macon -100 :سماد محسن للتربة يحافظ على رطوبة التربة مستخلص من قصب السكر . يساعد على تحسين الخواص الكيميائية للتربة حيث يعمل على اتاحة العناصر المثبتة في التربة مما يحسن من نمو النبات وزيادة انتاجيته اضافة الى دوره في تحسين الخواص الفيزيائية حيث يزيد من التهوية في الترب الثقيلة (الطينية ) ويزيد من تماسك الترب الخفيفة (الرملية ).
Macon -100 : يحافظ على رطوبة النبات في مختلف الظروف الجوية ويحافظ على رطوبة التربة.
Macon -100 : يقلل من تبخر الماء من اسطح الأوراق ويحمي النبات من الاجهاد كالصقيع , الأجهاد الحراري,الهطول الشديد للامطار.
Macon -100 : يعمل كمادة عازلة تحمي النباتات من الصقيع و يعمل كمطهر ومحسن للتربة مما يسهل من حركة الجذور النباتية ، اضافة الى دوره في تقليل عسر الماء.
Macon -100 : يعمل على تكوين طبقة عازلة تغلف جميع أجزاء النبات (الأوراق ،الساق،الثمار،البراعم)من الرطوبة الجوية العالية فيعمل على وقاية النبات من الأمراض الفطرية(اللفحات المتأخرةوالمبكرةوالأعفان والبياض الزغبي).
Macon -100 : مواد عضوية غير سامة صديقة للبيئة ويستخدم في جميع مراحل الأنبات .
Macon -100 : يحمي المعدات الزراعية من التاكل ( مثل شبكة الري والمضخات ).
اوقات الأستخدام :
- في ساعات الصباح الباكر او في المساء بعد الغروب للحصول على افضل النتائج .
-الشتاء : في جميع الأوقات قبل الانجماد لما له من دور فعال في تخفيف اثر الصقيع .
معدل الاستخدام :
رش ورقي : 80 - 120 مل / 200 لتر ماء
استخدام ارضي : 250 –1000 مل / دونم
- يحفظ في مكان بارد جاف وجيد التهوية بعيدا عن اشعة الشمس المباشرة في درجة حرارة 0 – 45 م
-تجنب التدخين في مخازن السماد
-يحفظ بعيدا عن المواد القابلة للاشتعال.
Components: Molasses of sugarcane 99 %
An organic substance extracted from sugarcane. Extracted from sugarcane, it works to form an insulating layer on the surface of the plant that protects the plant from stressful conditions such as frost and extreme heat. It reduces the surface tension of the spray solution so that the solution can reach all parts of the plant and gives complete coverage faster.
Macon -100 : A soil improver fertilizer that maintains soil moisture, extracted from sugar cane. It helps improve the chemical properties of the soil, as it works to make stabilized elements available in the soil, which improves plant growth and increases productivity, in addition to its role in improving the physical properties, as it increases aeration in heavy (clay) soils. It increases the cohesion of light (sandy) soils.
Macon -100 : It maintains plant moisture in various weather conditions and maintains soil moisture.
Macon -100 : It reduces water evaporation from leaf surfaces and protects the plant from stress such as frost, heat stress, and heavy rainfall.
Macon -100 : It works as an insulating material that protects plants from frost. It works as a disinfectant and soil improver, which facilitates the movement of plant roots, in addition to its role in reducing water hardness.
Macon -100 : It works to form an insulating layer that covers all parts of the plant (leaves, stem, fruits, buds) from high air humidity and works to protect the plant from fungal diseases (late and early blights, molds, and downy mildew).
Macon -100: Non-toxic, environmentally friendly organic materials and is used in all stages of germination
Macon -100 : Protects agricultural equipment from corrosion (such as irrigation networks and pumps).
Usage times:
- In the early morning hours or in the evening after sunset to obtain the best results.
-Winter: At all times before freezing, because of its effective role in reducing the effects of frost.
Usage rate:
Foliar spray: 80 - 120 ml / 200 liters of water
Ground use: 250-1000 ml/acre
- Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight at a temperature of 0-45°C
-Avoid smoking in fertilizer stores
-Keep away from flammable materials.