Sega 66

Polyalkyleneoxide Modi ed

Heptamethyltrisiloxane 100% w/w

Material spreader and adhesive added with all agricultural pesticides and works on the dissemination and distribution of the pesticide on the leaf surface and prevent it from decomposition and washing factors due to weather factors.

Advantages of Sega 66 material:

  1. Increases and improves the wetting ability of the leaves, resulting in a significant difference in the spread of the pesticide on the leaf surface in a homogeneous manner.
  2. Reduce the surface tension of the pesticide on the leaves surface to 20.5 N / m. This reduces the contact angle between the spray liquid and the leaf surface and increases the absorption and penetration of the pesticide through the stents located on the leaves surface, thus increasing the efficiency of the pesticide.
  3. It is prohibited to spot the fruits resulting from treatment with some pesticides.
  4. It is used on fruit trees of almonds, apples, citrus fruits, palm trees and others. It is also used on vegetable crops, field crops and ornamental plants.
  5. The vegetative total of the plant can be used regardless of the form and texture of the leaf.
  6. Safe for the environment.
  7. Mix with fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, growth regulators and fertilizers.

Mode of action of SIGA 66 as an adhesive and diffuser:

Sega 66 works to reduce the surface tension of the water droplet. This preserves the spray solution on the surface of the plant tissue without slipping. This helps and increases the spray solution's ability to enter the plant tissues as well as the corners of the leaves of the narrow plants, thus increasing the effectiveness of the sprayed material by increasing Surface Absorption It is common knowledge that the surface tension feature makes the water drop take a spherical shape (drop), which quickly slides off the surface of the plant. When adding Sega 66, the drop of water filters the surface of the lafe and covers a very large area of the lafe.

Pesticide Doses/ 20 L water
insecticide 5 - 20 ml
Fungicides and bacterial 3 - 10 ml
Herbicides 5 - 30 ml
Growth Regulators 5 - 10 ml
Foliar fertilizer 3 - 20 ml